We would love to have you join us this Lenten Season here at Maitland Presbyterian Church! Traditionally Lent is a time when Christians prepare for Easter. For some this means giving up certain things that are a distraction to faith. For others it involves taking on a new spiritual practice or service to the community.
Lent starts on Ash Wednesday as we remember two things: that we are sinners and that we are mortal. There is a sense of freedom when we can be honest about these two truths. We can set aside our desire to be perfect and our denial of death and receive the hope Jesus offers us in forgiveness and the promise of eternal life.
Lent lasts 40 days starting on Ash Wednesday (Sundays are not included in this count) and concludes on Easter. The last few days of Lent are called Holy Week, as we remember the final days of Jesus' life including the last meal he ate with his disciples and the day of his death. On Easter morning we celebrate the miracle of the resurrection when Jesus rose from the dead.