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Maitland Pres Q & A: Rick, Cheryl, Blue & Miranda Anderson

  • Tell us a little about your background

Rick and Cheryl were both born in upstate NY, but met here in Orlando, and had 2 kids, Blue & Miranda in the mid 90’s. We own a small business, Anderson Motors, we sell “good cars for good people”. Cheryl is a musician & works with the homeless. Both kids attend UNF, in Jacksonville, Blue working towards his Masters, and working full time at Mayo Clinic and Miranda is a senior majoring in nutrition.

  • If a couple, where and when did you first meet one another?

Met in 1992 In Altamonte Spgs, right down the road from where we’ve lived for over 20 yrs in Maitland

  • What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Rick likes live sports & live music, which works well since Cheryl is a musician

  • Why do you choose to attend Maitland Pres?

After having kids we searched for a church, Maitland Presbyterian clicked for us, we’ve stayed 20 yrs because of our love for the congregation, they’re beautiful people!

  • How long have you been a member of Maitland Pres?

Attending 20 yrs, can’t remember when we actually joined... maybe 12-15 yrs ago

  • How do you feel that Maitland Pres makes an impact in the community?

We love that our pastors are so involved in the community and live right in the middle of it

  • What ways are you involved with the church?

Rick is on session for a 2nd time and was very involved in youth through the years, Cheryl is a Stephen Minister and has been a part of the Praise Team for many years, not to mention years of VBS and Logos back when the kids were young

What is a scripture you love or frequently return to and why?

Right now... Philippians 4:6-7

  • What are some of your personal favorites? App, Food, Color, Animal, Book, Music/Singer

Favorite animal is our dog Lola, who is right by Rick’s side at all times, even at work!


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