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Fueling Ministry in 2025

“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance,

so that by always having enough of everything,

you may share abundantly in every good work.”

- 2 Corinthians 9:8

Maitland Presbyterian Church has seen seasons of amazing growth and ministry and other times with challenges or unexpected detours in the road, all on the path toward becoming the church God has called us to be. Looking ahead to 2025, we believe that God is moving in our midst.

We have two wonderful worship services with differing worship styles and people who love to gather together between services to enjoy time as a church family. Our mission connections in the community are growing. Just this last year we have formed new mission partnerships, while also maintaining long relationships with our existing service partners. New young families are joining us in worship and their children and teenagers are being mentored in excellent, inviting programs each week. New adult leaders have stepped up to lead women’s circles, classes and adult fellowship programs and long running programs like the Adult Sunday School class have continued to study together. Support for those in crisis is offered from our deacons, Stephen Ministers and pastors, as well as many others who care simply as a part of their walk of faith.

All of this points to our mission here at Maitland Presbyterian Church: to love like Jesus. This mission is fueled by your generosity.

As we think about the journey of our church, just like a car needs fuel to move forward, our church relies on the ongoing support of faithful givers to sustain and grow in ministry. Each pledge is a piece of "filling up the tank" to ensure we can get to where God is calling us to go. It is your commitment that enables us to carry out God’s work within our community and beyond, and we are so thankful for your past gifts.

This year, we invite you to be part of our Fall Pledge Campaign as we are Fueling Ministry in 2025!

Pledging is more than a financial contribution; it’s an investment in the future of our church and the lives that will be changed through our ministries. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you can help fuel these ministries in 2025. Whether large or small, your gift matters and makes a difference.

One of the most common questions we receive is “If I am going to give, why do I need to pledge?”

First and foremost, pledging is an act of spiritual maturity as we commit a portion of our income to the work of God in the world. It makes our giving an important priority, rather than something we do if we have something left over,

if we have time, or if we remember. Second, pledging is a critical part of our budget process. The leadership here at the church builds the annual church budget based on the pledges received. Please be assured that we understand if life changes and you need to adjust your pledge.

You can pledge by visiting to fill out the pledge card online.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for being a vital part of our church family. With your support, we will be fully fueled for ministry headed into the new year!


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