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September 2024 Youth Update

We are excited to welcome you children to another amazing year of Youth Group! We have a fantastic kickoff month planned for your kiddos and can't wait to have them experience it!

September 8th - Youth Launch

Our Youth Launch event will take place on Park Avenue in Winter Park! The kids will participate in a mysterious scavenger hunt around the park area as they try to recover the the Lost Sheep!

Please drop off your kids at the Main Stage at the park on Park Avenue no later than 6PM. And then pickup will be at the same place at 8PM.

We will need lots of parent volunteers to help pull off this event, so please enquire with Vanessa Urban if you're interested!

September 15th

Our first Sunday night back in the youth room, normal youth builds upon the Youth Launch event, taking place between 6PM - 8PM!

September 22th

Normal youth continues Sunday night between 6PM - 8PM!

September 29th - Youth Breakfast

This Sunday will start with a Youth Breakfast event during normal church hours. Kids should be there around 9AM if they'd like to help out with the event, with clean-up typically wrapping up around 11:30AM. As a reminder, these events earn money for participants towards offsetting the costs of upcoming Youth Trips.

That Sunday night we will host normal youth between 6PM - 8PM!


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