Organized in 1979, The Foundation is a separate and distinct entity independent of the Church operating funds. Its purpose is twofold:ized in 1979, The Foundation is a separate and distinct entity independent of the Church operating funds. Its purpose is twofold:
To establish a means for individuals to give donations (money, stocks, land, etc.) in such a manner that gifts are invested with the intent that they continue to grow and increase in perpetuity just as Jesus described in Matthew 13.
To establish a means for individuals to request funding for charitable causes, personal emergencies and religious purposes. The Foundation reviews the nature of requests and administers the fund disbursement.
To request funds from the Foundation, complete the request form and return it to the church. The Foundation will respond to your requests in a timely manner.
You can make a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation by writing a check to the First Presbyterian Church of Maitland Foundation, or contact a member of the Foundation to help you to discern the best way for you to contribute.
Request forms are available in the workroom at the church.